A sneaky cockatoo caught stealing a pack of cigarettes from a tourist – Henry’s Club

A timid cockatoo has been dubbed ‘Philip Morris’ after stealing a pack of smoke from a tourist and then pulling out a cigarette and holding it in its beak like an everyday smoker.

The Sulfur-crested Cockatoo is known as a . was seen on the balcony of queensland The holiday resort inspects a pack of cigarettes by a tourist filming the encounter.

Footage of the strange but hilarious incident was posted on social media back in April, 2019, but it was only this week that the clip resurfaced online. One commenter dubbed the cockatoo ‘Philip Morris’ because of his antics after a cigarette maker.

A timid cockatoo has been caught stealing a pack of smoke from a tourist before pulling out a cigarette and holding it in his beak like a regular smoker.

In the description of the clip at the time, the tourist wrote, ‘This happened while staying at the Reef View Hotel on Hamilton Island – Queensland, Australia.

The cockatoo is seen sitting calmly on the balcony and holding the open cigarette packet by its foot.

Then he starts taking out the cigarettes one by one with his beak.

The bird immediately casts the first smoke to the side of the resort and the second to the balcony floor.

The cheeky beast manages to pull out the third cigarette and drops the entire packet, which falls on the side of the building.

It holds the third smoke in its beak temporarily like a smoker, rotating the tube around its mouth.

The cockatoo then captures the smoke with its foot and begins to break it with its beak before dropping the remains.

The cheeky beast manages to pull out the third cigarette and drops the entire packet, which falls on the side of the building.

It holds the third smoke in its beak temporarily like a smoker, rotating the tube around its mouth.

The iconic Australian bird has a knack for catching food and items left unattended by people.

Last June, a mischievous cockatoo pinched a cafe diner’s caramel piece before his eyes and flew away into the distance.

The chickoo bird appears to lure the man into a false sense of security by eating crumbs from his table at a cafe in Lorne on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road.

It suddenly clogged the paper bag with the piece, with the diner trying and failing to retrieve the treat from the animal’s mouth.

The bird then flew across the road with the bag hanging from its mouth.

A mischievous cockatoo pinned a cafe diner’s caramel slice before his eyes and flew away

Another clip posted last year showed a sulphur-crested cockatoo munching on a croissant while sitting at a traffic sign in Bondi

Another clip posted last year showed a sulphur-crested cockatoo munching on a croissant while sitting at a traffic sign in Bondi.

Footage posted on Instagram shows a quiet bird named ‘Le Cocatou’ enjoying a morning pastry on a Sydney suburb beach.

This is balanced on the ‘no stopping’ sign surveying the area between the beaks.

The skilful bird also possessed sophisticated table manners as it grasped food with its paws, lifting buttery treats up to its beak for small bites.