a wild

Wild delivery hands can be the most fun to play – for anyone. What would you bid after a heart – pass – a spade from the south hand? We think most players will choose two clubs, but the number of clubs up to five will receive some specialist support.

The South’s player bid three clubs, closing out the West, which was planning to have two spades. East-West were still likely to reach four of spades, where they would have no trouble taking 11 moves, but North bowed out with an enterprising bid of five clubs. This was too much for the former, who decided to “take the money” and doubled the fine. There was some trouble on the way to the bank.

South dodged an early spade lead and drew Trump in round two. He led a diamond to the ace of the dummy and a heart to his jack. West wins with the Queen leading the Jack of Diamonds. South ruffed and led the king of hearts, covered with ace and ruffed in dummies. Nine’s fall from the East claimed the South for the rest of the move. Make a six!

“Should we have bid for it?” asked North, with a gleam in his eyes. East-West were not happy.