A year after arrest, Navalny says no ‘sorry’ about returning to Russia – Times of India

Moscow: Alexey, the most prominent critic of the Kremlin Navalny On Monday, he said he had no regrets about returning to Russia a year ago, despite being jailed and a historic crackdown on the opposition.
Navalny was detained at Moscow airport on his return to Russia from Germany on January 17 last year, beginning a month-long crackdown that saw his most prominent aides imprisoned or deported.
“I don’t regret it for a second,” Navalny, from a penal colony outside Moscow, wrote in a post on Instagram.
Navalny said, “After serving my first year in prison, I want to tell everyone what I shouted to the people gathered outside the court when a convoy took me to the police van: Don’t be afraid of anything ”
“This is our country and we have no one else.”
Navalny’s poisoning and subsequent arrest with a Soviet-designed nerve agent Novichok in August 2020 sparked widespread condemnation abroad as well as sanctions from Western capitals.
Moscow has refused to launch an investigation into the attempt at his life, claiming there is insufficient evidence to launch an investigation and blaming Berlin for not cooperating.
on his return Russia Navalny He was jailed for more than two years on old fraud charges he says are politically motivated.
Ahead of the anniversary of his arrest, Russia last week added two of the opposition leader’s closest aides to its list of “terrorists and extremists”.
Ivan Zhdanov, 33, headed Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, which produced the hugely popular video investigation accusing officials of systemic corruption, while 41-year-old Leonid Volkov Headed the network of regional offices of Navalny.
Both of those organizations were banned by Russian courts and closed by employees for fear of prosecution.
Last month, investigators interrogated several former regional Navy coordinators, including Ksenia Fadeeva, who is also a local legislator in the Siberian city of Tomsk.
Allies say he faces up to 12 years in prison for working with an extremist organization.
Investigators last year launched a new extremist probe against Navalny, which could see the opposition leader spend another 10 years in prison.
The European Parliament last year awarded Navalny with the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought after being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Intensifying a historic crackdown on critical voices in Russia, officials have designated dozens of rights groups, media outlets, journalists and anti-Kremlin people “foreign agents”.
In December, courts ordered the closure of the nation’s foremost rights group, Memorial.
The group described a Stalin-era purge and campaigned for the rights of political prisoners, migrants and other disadvantaged groups.
A court on Monday dismissed two appeals filed by Navalni against the authorities over his treatment in the penal colony.
Navalny appeared in court via video link, sitting behind bars in prison uniform before the Petushsky District Court in the Vladimir region where he is being held.
The cases heard on Monday related to his prison pay and his designation as a flight risk, the independent Russian television channel dozd Reported.
