ABB ties up with ThinkGas for automation in CGD services

New Delhi ABB : ABB has tied up with ThinkGas, a city gas distribution company to implement a digital solution to maximize efficiency, availability and reliability of city gas network, across distributed locations in the states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Contains several remote terminals. Madhya Pradesh.

Using its SCADAvantage systems deployed in the cloud, ABB has built a solution that will integrate, monitor and control day-to-day operations across the enterprise, helping operators maximize uptime and improve security. will automate the workflow.

“At the heart of the ThinkGas digital architecture is the ABB Ability Generics industrial analytics and AI suite, which will bring together multiple sources of real-time data from ThinkGas’ operations across its network,” the company said in a statement.

By collecting and contextualizing operational, engineering and transactional data from IT systems, ABB’s industrial AI captures significant amounts of information and a holistic view of assets and processes, making it efficient, actionable to drive performance and efficiency. Provides insight.

The system will be managed through a central control room – the Nucleus – where operators will be able to obtain data quickly and convey critical information, such as operational equipment parameters and consumption trends.

Talking about the R&D of the product, ABB a global company G Balaji, SVP, Head-Energy Industries, ABB India said: “This product ‘Scadavantage’ actually comes from ABB Canada. Over the last decade and a half With a vast experience of providing SCADA solutions in a timely manner, India is a center of excellence and one of the first ABB companies to implement SCADA solutions across the globe.”

Hardeep Singh Rai, CEO, ThinkGas, said, “This partnership with ABB is a cornerstone in our digital transformation journey, helping us build ThinkGas into a modern and robust CGD company that is future ready.”

With rapid urbanization and rising energy demands, India is investing billions to provide piped natural gas (PNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) to nearly 70 percent of its population over the next five years. This is part of the country’s ambition to achieve a more sustainable energy mix.

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