About Bite-Size Chicken Balls Recipe: Make This Fried Chicken Snack Delicious

Who doesn’t love fried chicken?! We can all agree that fried chicken is a hit among non-vegetarians across the world. No matter how we enjoy this delicacy – chicken nuggets, fried chicken wings, KFC-style fried chicken, chicken tenders – a plate filled with crunchy chicken is a true delight. The best part is that it is so easy to make! Today we’ve got another fried chicken recipe that’s going to be a treat for your weekend and it’s called Bite-Size Chicken Balls. This chicken snack is succulent, juicy and crunchy, making it the perfect indulgence for special occasions.

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Bite-Size Chicken Balls are a quick and easy snack that you can make in no time. This is a delicious dish to keep for parties, picnics and also in kids tiffins. You don’t even need a long list of ingredients to make this snack. A mixture is prepared by mixing potatoes and all the spices in boiled chicken and later it is deep fried by making balls.

About Bite-Size Chicken Balls Recipe: How to Make Bite-Size Chicken Balls at Home

Boil boneless chicken and shred it whole. Mash the boiled potatoes and mix them with the chopped chicken. Season it with red chili powder, coriander powder, garam masala, cumin powder, black pepper and salt. Add chopped green chillies, chopped coriander leaves, refined flour, breadcrumbs and cornflour. Mix the mixture well. Make bite-size balls from the chicken mixture and coat them in the egg and breadcrumbs. Deep fry the balls till they are golden brown and crispy. Serve these chicken balls hot with tomato ketchup or chili garlic dip.

For a step-by-step recipe for Bite-Size Chicken Balls, please click here.

Looks delicious, doesn’t it?! Make this chicken snack at home and surprise your family with your culinary skills. Tell us in the comment section how you liked it.