About Egg Masala Recipe: Quick and Easy Curry That’s Perfect for Dinner

Most of us like to experiment with our food choices from time to time – whether it’s cooking up a new dish or cooking up a dish you’ve always wanted to do. Why not? Enjoying dinner with our family members is something we all look forward to after a long and busy day. Our busy workday schedules often leave no free time to indulge in cooking or eating out. We either stop ordering or resort to our regular meals like dal and sabzi which are easy to prepare. What if we tell you that you can use simple ingredients like eggs and give it a tangy spice twist? Yes, we have a perfect recipe for you! This quick and easy egg masala is a delightful curry recipe that will be perfect for your next dinner date.

Eggs are so diverse that you can make a variety of recipes from it. There are many ways to cook eggs – boiled, poached, fried, deep fried, poached, coddled. Here, we bring you a recipe that uses boiled eggs which are cooked into a delicious curry. Topped with a tangy tadka, this egg curry is a crowd-pleaser!

Read also: Quick Breakfast: 5 Egg Recipes You Can Make in Just 5 Minutes

How to make Egg Masala | Easy Egg Masala Recipe

First of all, mix red chili powder, turmeric powder, salt, coriander powder, cumin powder and ginger-garlic paste together for eggs. Deep fry the marinated eggs and take them out on an absorbent paper. Cut them in half. After this, heat oil in a pan for the base and add cumin, green chili, asafoetida, onion, ginger and garlic to it. Fry the onion till golden-brown. Add turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder, red chili and salt. Sister.

Now, add tomatoes and cook till the oil leaves the sides and add water to de-glaze. Add deep fried eggs. Wrap the egg in spices. Pour over the tempering. Garnish with coriander leaves. service tax. For tempering, add oil in a small pan. When the oil is hot, add Kashmiri chili, fenugreek, cumin, mustard seeds and curry leaves. Let it crackle. Pour over the eggs. Egg masala is ready!

For the full recipe, click here

Now that you know the practice, try this quick recipe for your next dinner date and let us know how you liked it.