About Paneer Bhature Recipe: Pair your chickpeas with these delicious stuffed bhatures

Imagine – you are sitting at your dining table and are greeted with a platter full of indulgent bhatures and masala chole! Wouldn’t this just be a delicious surprise?! Chole Bhature – This North Indian combination is one that foodies are well-loved! The combination of freshly made bhature and spicy chickpeas makes for the ultimate delight. While we are big fans of this Punjabi food combination, what if there was a way to make a meal of chole-bhature even better?! Wonder how this is possible? Instead of eating plain bhature with chickpeas, eat chickpeas with paneer stuffed bhature.

The recipe of Paneer Bhature is very similar General Bhature, all you have to do is put paneer inside the dough. You will enjoy a thick and spicy layer of paneer in between your bhaturas.

(Also read: The Amazing Remedy Could Make Your Bhature Even More Bloated, And No We’re Not Talking About Soda,

Chole Bhature is a popular street-style delight that one cannot resist.

About Paneer Bhatura Recipe: How To Make Paneer Bhatura

Begin by preparing the dough; All you have to do is to mix together all purpose flour, salt, semolina, curd, baking soda and baking powder. Slowly add lukewarm water and start kneading soft dough. Cover it with a wet cloth and keep it aside.

To prepare Cheese StuffingGrate the paneer and add red chili powder, cumin powder, salt and green coriander to it. Mix it well. Mix some dry flour in the paneer masala so that it absorbs the moisture.

Take a roti-sized dough and another roll the size of a poori. Place the paneer stuffing on top of the rolled roti and place a puri sized dough on top. Seal it and roll it again. Deep fry the puris till they become golden.

click here For step by step recipe of Paneer Bhatura.

Looks delicious, doesn’t it? Make this paneer filled bhature for your loved ones and impress them with your culinary skills. How did you like it, do let us know in the comment section below.