About Pepper Chicken Recipe: A Tantric Spicy Chicken Starter Recipe You Must Try

For all the non-vegetarians, chicken is one of the top meat choices. Whether you fry it, grill it or cook it in gravy – there are endless things anyone can do with chicken. But even in all these varieties, I think, we can agree that the crunchy, fried chicken cooked in aromatic spices makes the ultimate starter for any party and gives a burst of flavor! So, if you also love to eat chicken and don’t mind experimenting with it, then here we bring you a delicious and spicy recipe of black pepper chicken.

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Black pepper chicken is a specialty of Andhra Pradesh and has a pungent taste that leaves your tongue mesmerized. The consistency of this dish is hot and dry, so it is best to serve this dish with rice or parotta. But if you like that spicy taste, then eat it like that. Easily make this recipe in just 30 minutes with everyday household ingredients and enjoy!

How to make Pepper Chicken | Pepper Chicken Recipe

To make this dish, firstly marinate the chicken with ground black pepper, turmeric powder and salt. Keep aside for half an hour. Then put two spoons of oil, chopped onion in a pan and fry for some time. Next, add chopped green chillies, curry leaves and ginger-garlic paste and stir for about a minute. Now add the marinated chicken to it and let it cook for about 15 minutes. Garnish with fresh chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot with roti or rice.

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For the complete recipe of Black Pepper Chicken, Click here.

Try this dish and let us know how you liked it.


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