About Sabudana Kheer Recipe: Try this delicious, healthy pudding this Navratri fast

The fast of Chaitra Navratri is observed by keeping a fast to please Goddess Durga. Many people eat only fruits during the nine days of Navratri. Of all the innumerable foods that are allowed to be eaten during Navratri, Sabudana is the most loved food item. If you are bored of eating sabudana khichdi, then you can try sabudana kheer.

Sabudana kheer is easy to make and very tasty. Sabudana is rich in carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, protein, iron and vitamin K. Hence, sabudana is an ideal food option during Navratri. With this recipe, treat your taste buds to sabudana pudding during this Navratri.

Ingredients for making Sabudana Kheer

Sabudana – 1/4 cup

Milk – 1/2 liter

Sugar – 4 tbsp

Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Cashew nuts – 10

Almonds – 10

Pistachios – 10

Condensed milk – 2 tbsp

Saffron -1/2 tbsp

making sabudana pudding

To make sago kheer, first wash the sago well and soak it in water for some time. Now put milk in a vessel and keep it to heat on medium flame.

When the milk starts to boil, add some water to it and wait for another boil. Meanwhile, finely chop cashews, almonds and pistachios. When the milk comes to a boil for the second time, add chopped nuts and cardamom powder. Cook for 7-8 minutes.

Put the soaked sabudana in a vessel and let it cook on low flame. After sometime when the kheer starts boiling, then add condensed milk to it and mix it well. This will enhance the taste of the kheer.

Boil the kheer until the sago swells up. Add sugar according to taste in the kheer and mix it.

After further cooking, add saffron and mix the kheer for 4-5 minutes. Switch off the gas and your delicious Sabudana Khichdi is ready to eat!

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