About Turkish Kofte Kebab Recipe: These succulent kebabs can be a part of your iftar meal

The moment we think of iftar, we are immediately transported to a land of mouth-watering non-veg dishes, aromatic sweets and delicacies that define fall. Though iftar feasts and parties have vegetarian dishes too, it is the non-vegetarian dishes that steal the show every time. The dishes made of chicken, mutton, eggs and fish seem to be a hit and we can’t help but crave them every single day. However, if you don’t have ideas for making dishes for Iftar, don’t worry. Here are some must-try recipes of Turkish Kofte Kebabs that you can easily make at home. Soft and delicious mutton koftas that melt in your mouth, this Turkish recipe is sure to be the talk of the town at any dinner table.

(Also read: Ramadan 2022: 7 Quick and Easy Recipes for Delicious Iftar in Less Than 30 Minutes,

Kebabs and Tikka make for delicious Iftar dishes.

Turkish Kofte Kebab recipe can come in different varieties. While some people like to enjoy it, some like to dip them in gravy. Here’s another twist to the recipe we bring to you; It is wrapped in thin strips of various vegetables. The recipe calls for zucchini and brinjal wraps for koftas, however, if the ingredients are not available to you, you are free to skip this step. The kebabs are extremely tasty, juicy and tender and can be served over rice, parathas, or the like. Interested in trying it out? Here is the recipe for you.

How to Make Turkish Kofte Kebab Recipe

For the koftas, mix the minced meat, bread crumbs, milk and other ingredients in a bowl. Take a portion of the mixture and shape it into a small barrel or small disc as per your choice. Fry lightly and keep aside. If you want, you can prepare tomato and onion gravy to serve with koftas or you can skip this step.

For vegetable wraps, all you have to do is slice the zucchini and eggplant into thin slices and sprinkle some salt over them. Fry them in a pan till they change color and then turn off the flame.

Now to assemble the dish, take a piece of zucchini or brinjal and wrap it around the kofta. Garnish some with tomato gravy or pair with delicious dips.

For the detailed recipe of Turkey Kofte Kebab, click here.

Looks delicious, doesn’t it? Will you be trying the recipe soon? Let us know in the comments below.