About ‘Udaan Ghinshu’ – the missile that ‘quietly’ killed Al Qaeda chief Zawahiri

New Delhi: Two secret precision missiles fired from an MQ9 Reaper drone hit al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri. But images that are significant later surfaced on social media, showing no sign of an explosion or collateral damage, despite an airstrike on a residential area in Kabul.

It is believed that America used its tried and always trusted MQ-9 Reaper Drone – Manufactured by General Atomics – Unmanned aerial vehicle that India is in talks with the US government to acquire.

But what makes this operation interesting is the use of a high-precision missile that comes without an active warhead.

According to experts in the Indian Defense and Security Establishment, the missile used in the attack was the Hellfire R9X – nicknamed the ‘Flying Ginsu’ – for its blades that swung into buildings or cars to reach the target. Roofs can be cut. It is also known as Ninja Bomb.

Formally known as the AGM-114R9X, the missile has a passive warhead unlike the more commonly used variants.

The ‘flying grin’ is a reference to a popular brand of knife sold on TV infomercials in the US in the late 1970s and early 1980s, depicting them chopping down tree branches and tomatoes.

according to a 2019 report By the Wall Street Journal, the missile was born out of an emphasis on avoiding civilian casualties in the long US campaign of airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and other locations under former US President Barack Obama.

This missile is used sporadically and is only used in specific situations, especially when a senior terrorist leader has been identified, but other weapons may carry the risk of killing innocent bystanders.

Traditional Hellfire variants are typically used against groups of targeted individuals or against so-called high-value targets that are calling with other terrorists.

Instead of a warhead, the end of the R9X has 45kg of reinforced metal, with six expandable blades that open up close to impact.

These blades are designed to break the target on impact without triggering an explosion.

Read also: Killed in US drone strike in Kabul, Al Qaeda chief Zawahiri repeatedly embroiled in India’s issues

When ‘Flying Ghinshu’ Was First Fired

The Associated Press reported that the use of the Hellfire R9X first surfaced in March 2017 when senior al Qaeda leader Abu al-Khair al-Masri was killed in a drone strike while traveling in a car in Syria.

The car did not suffer much damage except for an entry hole and a rack in the windshield but the target was hit. This was in contrast to earlier attacks where the car was blown up and collateral damage was also done.

The same missile is believed to have been used in January 2019 when a US airstrike in Yemen killed the suspected mastermind of the 2000 bombing of the USS Kol, Jamal al-Badawi.

In the case of Zawahiri’s death, it is reported that the al Qaeda leader was standing alone on the balcony of his Kabul residence when a US drone launched two Hellfires.

The search for India’s reapers is on hold

India’s search for the MQ-9 Reaper drone has been stalled due to pricing issues and lack of any actual technology transfer (ToT).

As ThePrint reported in November 2021, America has offered India waives off a proposed $3 billion deal for 30 such armed and unarmed drones, as well as offers to set up a maintenance and repair (MRO) center that will cater to all such US systems in the region.

In March last year, the Navy, Army and Air Force – after being impressed by the performance of two leased Sea Guardian drones – finally agree On the joint purchase of 30 armed versions of the American unmanned aerial system.

Sea Guardians are the unarmed version of Reapers and are used for surveillance.

Sources said that given the exorbitant cost of these drones, India is keen on genuine ToT that will help it make its armed drone program a success.

“The US has offered discounts and is also offering to set up an MRO facility. We are still in talks for the actual TOT which will be beneficial,” said a source when asked about the update on the proposed acquisition.

Read also: ‘No matter where you hide’: US kills al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike