ACB raid on Anantapur town planning office

Anantapur Anti Corruption Bureau officials led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Kulasekhar Reddy raided the offices of Town Planning and Revenue Wing of Anantapur Municipal Corporation on Tuesday afternoon. The search is likely to continue till Wednesday.

The ACB DSP said that many complaints made by the public saw large scale irregularities and several deviations in the building plans were flagged.

“We are ascertaining when these deviations were allowed and who was responsible. Based on the total amount of deviation, and if any financial satisfaction was involved, then we have to frame charges,” the DSP said.

“Apart from town planning, some complaints were made on WhatsApp and also in writing against the revenue wing, so searches are on there too and we will take some more time to ascertain the complete details,” Mr Kulasekhar said. Kulasekhar said. Tuesday night.
