Accident fatalities incidence up by 24.91% in one year in Odisha

The Odisha government announced an increase in fund flow for raising awareness on road safety as accident fatalities shot up by 24.91% in one year.

“Road accident is a matter of concern for all of us. As reported by police, as many as 5,467 persons were killed in road accidents during the year 2022, at a growth of 7.6% compared to 2021. The situation has further worsened during the months of January and February, 2023,” State Transport Secretary Usha Padhee informed all collectors and superintendents of police.

Ms. Padhee informed, “There is a growth in fatalities by 24.91% in January and February, 2023 compared to the months of January and February of the year 2022. It is observed that there is a growth in fatalities by more than 50% in the districts like Deogarh, Gajapati, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Jharsuguda, Kendrapada, Khorda, Malkanagire and Nuapada.”

In three districts, Jharasuguda, Jajpur and Deogarh, road accident deaths had doubled during the time.

“All the districts are being impressed upon from time to time to initiate education, engineering, enforcement and emergency care measures for reduction of road accidents and fatalities in the districts. All districts have been requested to hold the meeting of the District Road Safety Committees (DRSC) once a month to review the road safety scenario,” she said.

Small interventions

As per the department, it has been decided to provide funds to the DRSCs for taking up of various road safety activities.

“Small interventions like painting of medians, pasting of reflective tapes, conducting awareness programmes and installing close circuit cameras for deterrence may have significant effect in improving road safety in the districts,” it said.

“All districts have been requested to hold the meeting of the District Road Safety Committees (DRSC) once a month to review the road safety scenario”Usha PadheeState Transport Secretary