Adorable video of a kid whispering like a pro wins hearts; watch video

You can wholeheartedly trust the Internet to boost your enthusiasm after a tiring day at work. With adorable and funny videos on every social media platform, it doesn’t take long for you to forget everything about your day and lose yourself to a variety of entertaining content. Babies and pets rank highest on the list of things that make us smile widely and go ‘ooh’. Videos with kids and their normal movements are just as fun; However, add food to the equation and they become a lot more delectable. Recently, we came across one such video which shocked us and it relates to a cute kid learning the ropes in the kitchen.

(Also read: One year old girl raised the gate to steal breakfast from the kitchen, laughing video,

They say that it is better to inculcate good manners and life skills early in your children. The child’s parents seem to fully agree with this and have evidence to show it. Originally posted by the baby’s father, Jesse Sanchez, on his Instagram profile, we found this video on an Instagram page called ‘PurelyChild’, which brings forth adorable videos of babies and toddlers. At the beginning of the video, we can see that the father lets the child try his hand. The immediate next clip shows the same kid who has now become a toddler and is using a whisk like a pro. With a smile on his face and a glimmer of confidence, the baby is so adorable it can’t be missed. to keep track:

(Also read: Watch: Cute baby mixes water with puri to make his own version of pani puri,

The video has garnered over 348k views and 64k likes. The caption on the video read, “He looked at us like yeah, I’m flogging now!”. The comments left on the video also couldn’t help but see a rise in the child’s confidence.

“Look at us like ‘take me to your leader'”, one comment read, while another was “super cute god bless him” and “obsessed with this video”.

“Yes, Go Little Rock Star” read another comment and “She’s so cute” read another. The comments section was also flooded with heart emojis for the baby.

Toddlers and their involvement in the kitchen has always made us happy. Recently, another video of a kid making his favorite peanut chutney with his mother in the kitchen won the hearts of many, have you seen it yet? Check it out here.

Another video that took the world by storm was of a kid who turned out to be a big eater and a good treat at that. In a viral video, we can see that the baby thanks his mother for all the delicious food prepared for him. Watch that video here.

What do you like about these baby videos? Let us know in the comments below
