Adviser to Ukraine’s President calls for heavy weapons as Russia shifts military focus – Henry Club

“Following the rapid retreat of the Russians from Kyiv and Chernihiv, it is clear that Russia has preferred another strategy – to move east/south, taking over the large occupied territories (not just the Donetsk and Luhansk regions). To control and establish a strong foothold there, Podolik said on Saturday.

“They have set up in the east and south and are ruling out harsh conditions,” Podolik said. “So we certainly can not do without heavy weapons if we want to unblock East and Kherson and send [back] Russian as far as possible. ,

Last month, the Russian military said the “first phase” of its invasion of Ukraine had been completed and that it would withdraw troops from around Kyiv and Chernihiv to focus on the Donbass region in the country’s east.

Russia’s announcement of that new phase could partially provide political cover for the Russian military, explaining massive stroke Fighting around Kyiv, but Ukrainian officials have also reported an intensification of military activity and shelling in the Donbass by Russian forces.

Podolik pointed to US and Western officials’ expectations that Ukraine might need to prepare for partisan warfare in the event of a Russian invasion and the fall of the Ukrainian capital.

In reference to the Kremlin’s bloody nine-year campaign to support the Marxist government in Kabul, Podolik said, “Our allies must finally understand that they want ‘Afghanization’ and no longer-lasting struggle for Russia.” Will not done. “

war, which began when the Soviet army invaded in 1979Claimed nearly a million Afghan lives and 15,000 Russian soldiers, as well as more than 50,000 wounded.

Podolik explained, “‘Afghanization’ occurs when there is a strong guerrilla resistance across the country that inflicts heavy casualties on the attacker for several months or years and thereby weakens the power of the occupying forces.”

“Such actions took place during the Soviet Union’s attempt to control Afghanistan: Afghan guerrillas destroyed and weakened the Soviet-occupied years. As a result, Russia was completely weakened.

“Russia will leave all Ukrainian territories except the South and East. And will try to dig there, put in air defense and minimize the loss of their equipment and personnel, ”said Podolik.

Andrei Kaelin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Britain during an interview with PA at the official residence of the Russian Ambassador in London on February 21, 2022.
The remarks by the adviser to the President of Ukraine came hours after the Russian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Andrei Kaelin, said that if Britain delivers long-range artillery weapons and anti-ship systems to Ukraine, they will “legitimate target” For Russia.

According to the Russian state news agency TASS, Kaelin said, “Any weapons delivery is destabilizing, especially as outlined by (Ben) Wallace (British Defense Secretary). “They aggravate the situation and make it bloody.”

“Obviously, these are new, rather high-precision weapons. Of course, if they cross the border with Ukraine they will be legitimate targets for our armed forces.

“I think London’s view of what is happening militarily in Ukraine is based on a report from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and on the bravery of the Ukrainian leadership,” Kaelin said.

Russian authorities have long complained about the delivery advanced military weapons to Ukraine by the US, UK and other NATO allies, who have provided anti-tank weapons and man-portable air defenses – some of which have enabled Ukrainian troops blunt Russian advance,