Afghanistan: OIC meeting on Afghanistan concludes without any pledge for aid – Times of India

Islamabad: Extraordinary Conference of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) Afghanistan Islamabad on Sunday concluded without any direct announcement of economic and humanitarian aid for the war-ravaged country.
Envoys from 57 Islamic countries and observer delegations attended the conference in Islamabad, the biggest incident on Afghanistan since the fall of the US-backed government in the country. Taliban Afghanistan’s takeover in mid-August prompted the international community to freeze the country’s billions of dollars in aid and assets, plunging the country of 38 million into its worst economic and humanitarian disaster.
Pakistani officials said 70 delegations, including Taliban interim foreign minister Mullah Amir KHAN Muttaki and representatives from the US, China, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations participated in the event.
At the end of the session, a draft resolution was issued which was filled with phrases such as the extraordinary session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers welcomed the initiative, praised Pakistan’s role, recognized the deep-rooted Islamic values ​​that create ethos. Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, the resolution made statements such as the Body of Islamic Nations expressing deep alarm over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. It expressed deep concern over the deterioration of Afghanistan’s health system, disease outbreaks and severe malnutrition. In addition, it emphasized the need for the country to continue economic cooperation and reaffirmed Afghanistan’s strong commitment to sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
The speakers also called for the early opening of the banking system of the country. President of Islamic Development Bank Muhammad Suleiman al-Jasr, who attended the meeting, offered several concrete financing proposals. He added that the IDB can manage trusts that can be used to move money in Afghanistan, prop up businesses and help revive the deeply troubled economy. The OIC also resolved on Sunday to arrange for the involvement of a team of international Muslim scholars with the Taliban on issues such as “tolerance and moderation in Islam, equal access to education in Islam and women’s rights”.
Pakistan PM Imran Khan, during his keynote address at the meeting, warned the global community that the situation in Afghanistan would become “the largest man-made crisis in the world” if immediate action is not taken. Khan said no other country has suffered as much damage as Afghanistan, with 75% of the country’s budget backed by foreign aid before the Taliban took control. He urged Washington to separate the Taliban government from the Afghan citizens. “They have been in conflict with the Taliban for 20 years, but it belongs to the people of Afghanistan,” Khan said, adding that Afghanistan would swoop into chaos if the world failed to act immediately. “Such a situation will not suit America because anarchy means an inability to fight terrorism.” He said the Taliban had to fulfill promises made to the international community, including forming an inclusive government and ensuring women’s rights. Earlier, the caretaker Afghan foreign minister has done much to restore peace and security to the Taliban government and to meet the demands of a more inclusive government with respect to human rights, including women’s rights.
(with inputs from agencies)
