Afsat ayyah, ayyah, jackal per

New Delhi:

The two different types of this type of product will suit the weather in the coming season as well as vary the season in season to come. Positions are programmed to monitor the clock so far. The Directorate General of Civil (DG) has done all these. Chana that ‘fathum’ kanauk kana madh ktama kanata kasa kay, ranauthuri ranir ther yasak dal ke ke ke ke ke ke ke

this also further

SpiceJet flight from Delhi to Jabalpur, incident after Varanasi

Not organized in any way. A few days back, the SpiceJet engine caught fire immediately after taking off from Patna airport for Delhi on June 19 and the plane made an emergency landing a few minutes later. There were 185 passengers on this plane. Even after walking, he started walking. Its …

‘Stop early implementation’ – to keep SpiceJet in good stead

Officials had said that on June 24, after the warning light of SpiceJet’s Q400 aircraft flying from Guwahati to Kolkata, the pilot decided to fly back to Guwahati, flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet. Similar weather event (25 November) from VAT.

(news said)