After Ashok Gehlot, Mallikarjun Kharge’s support, Shashi Tharoor’s curtain attack

Shashi Tharoor was in Bhopal to seek the support of local party leaders and representatives.


In a veiled attack on Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who had recently tweeted in support of Congress veteran Mallikarjun Kharge’s candidature, rival contender Shashi Tharoor said no party functionary should be elected to the top post in the party. Canvassing for any candidate is not allowed.

“There are clear instructions that no party functionary, chief minister or state Congress Committee chief should endorse or campaign for any candidate,” Tharoor said at the party office in Bhopal on Friday.

Shashi Tharoor and Mallikarjun Kharge are the two candidates for the Congress’ presidential election to be held on October 17. Kerala MPs were in Bhopal to seek the support of local party leaders and representatives.

Mr Tharoor said it is up to the Central Election Authority (CEA), which is responsible for conducting fair and balanced elections within the party, to act on Mr Gehlot’s remarks.

His remarks come a day after Ashok Gehlot put out a video in support of Mallikarjun Kharge on Twitter, which is expected to be elected by the delegates as the new party chief.

In his video message, Mr. Gehlot said, “Mr. Kharge has good relations with party workers and leaders, and can hold talks with all opposition parties, which is needed today. I hope all the delegates will vote for Mallikarjun Kharge with an overwhelming majority.” help make it a success.” Twitter account.

Mr Gehlot posted the video after Mr Tharoor alleged an “unequal playing field” as the party elects its first non-Gandhi chief in 20 years.

“There are certainly aspects that indicate an uneven playing field,” Tharoor said, revealing that some leaders had told him they were “under pressure” to support Mr Kharge.

He also said that state party chiefs were “unavailable” during his campaigning for internal elections in various states.

He said, “I have seen in many places that PCC (State Congress chief), CLP (Congress Legislature Party) leaders and big leaders welcome Mallikarjun Kharge, sit with him, invite people and invite him to be present. It all happened for one candidate but never for me,” Mr. Tharoor said.

Not only Mr. Gehlot, but also Manish Tewari, who is part of the G-23 group (seeking reforms within the Congress), also extended his support for Mr. Kharge’s candidature.

Manish Tewari had earlier said that the party needed a “safe pair of hands” in Mallikarjun Kharge and a “composed personality” who could provide “stability” to the party as president.