After passing NEET, parents surprise their daughter, video goes viral

Sometimes parents surprise their kids with unexpected gifts that bring a million dollar smile to their faces. One such cute surprise by parents for their daughter has now gone viral. A video posted on Instagram by the girl’s mother shows her giving her a new phone. And what made this occasion more special was that the girl had recently passed NEET for medical admission. The pure joy on the girl’s face after receiving the gift is sure to leave you in awe.

The video begins with the parents entering their daughter’s room to present her daughter’s 18th birthday present. As they leave, they hand her the gift bag. The girl is shocked, opens the bag and looks at the phone. She immediately smiles and unboxes the phone. She then reads the description and realizes it is an iPhone 12, which makes her even happier.

As the clip progresses, the caption in the video read, “We decided to surprise our daughter on her 18th birthday.” The caption further read, ‘She came first in 12th science in her school. He got 680/720, 897th rank in NEET India Out of 18.25 lakh students. She was using mom’s second-hand mobile for last 5 years and never asked for any gift in last 18 years”, the text further read.

“We decided to surprise our daughter on her 18th birthday. He never asked anything from us. Whenever we ask her what do you want and she says ‘I have a lot I have everything’. Bless her with a daughter.” Posted caption with video.

Check out the video below:

After watching the video, social media users got excited and lauded the girl for her achievements. One user wrote, ‘She is such a sweet girl. Congratulations Mehak”. Another user wrote, “She deserves more for all the hard work she is putting into this world.”

A third user wrote, “In first few seconds I was like “yes she belongs to a good family so they bought her an expensive phone blah blah blah” But after seeing her achievements I was like “Brother this The girl has achieved this “wishing her all the best for all her future goals”. The video has garnered over 7.6 million views and is still counting.

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