After the Centre’s cut in excise duty, Assam reduced VAT on petrol and diesel. description

Hours after Center cut excise duty, Assam government announced that it will cut VAT on petrol and diesel 7 With immediate effect.

“Glad to know about the decision of the Central Government to reduce the excise duty on petrol and diesel. In line with the decision of Hon’ble Prime Minister @narendramodi, I am happy to announce that the Government of Assam will also reduce VAT on Petrol and Diesel. 7/- with immediate effect,” Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Twitter.

By how much did the Center cut the excise duty on petrol and diesel today? 5 more From yesterday (Thursday) respectively on the eve of Diwali 10. In a statement, the Union Government said that the Indian economy has witnessed a remarkable turnaround after the slowdown induced by the Covid. All sectors of the economy – be it manufacturing, service or agriculture – are experiencing significant economic activity.

He said, “To give further impetus to the economy, the Government of India has decided to significantly reduce the excise duty on diesel and petrol.” The Center further said that the reduction in excise duty on petrol and diesel will also increase consumption and keep inflation low, which is helping the poor and middle class.

The central government also asked states to reduce VAT on petrol and diesel to provide relief to consumers. Assam has become the first state to announce VAT deduction after the Centre’s move to cut excise duty

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