Agent entering the environment for M testing, testing and testing : Navjot Sidhu

Navjot Sidhu reactivates the repeater of agriculture in the right direction


President of Punjab Congress (Punjab Congress) Navjot Singh Sidhu (Navjot Sidhu) Information is received after the repeater of Agriculture Department on the Central Govt. Sidhu said that it is just like that, it is the same, it is the same, it is the same, it is the same, it is the same, it is the same. Sidhu has connected the battery. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had implemented for the environment on Friday.

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Sidhu messaged, “Today we are happy about the opposite of media. Our real work has now started. According to the database report, the disease status will be investigated, and the disease status will be investigated. This plan would be spectacular and more dangerous. The sutras of the East intertwined with each other,

MT has been called. We start June 2020. The support of the Punjab government is needed to save the small farmers from the corporate clutches. The Punjab model is the only way out.” Earlier, Sidhu had called the announcement of scrapping of agricultural laws a step in the right direction. It was that M.G.

Kisan Vaiya Aur Vanijya (Promotion and Facilitation) Properties, 2020, Value Creation of (Strong Commodity Preservation) and Agricultural Manufacturing and Agricultural Commodities, 2020 and Vital Vyasavaran (Revision Refinement) Farms, 2020 are manufacturing agricultural commodities since 2020. I
