Agriculture communication channel, after repeater of agriculture Yogendra Yadav after communication

The farmer communicated to the headmaster in Lucknow on 22 November

New Delhi:

farmers party Issued for the first time. This information to the member of Jan Kisan and farmer Jan Jan Yadav (Yogendra Yadav) New Year. Yogendra Yadav said that the farmer who will be held in Ludhiana on 22nd November is going to be Mahaparayan. According to the mandate November 29, the October plan was also not scuttled. Yogendra Yadav Kisan Kisan Morcha (United Farmers Front) Corps members. Prime Minister Narendra Modi (PM Modi) on Friday in honor of Guru Hundred Agricultural Laws (Agriculture Laws) Koback was the communication of the text.

this also further

Committed to moving forward. Update has updated and updated. Suitable for farmer vet germs.

Agriculture has emerged as a disinfectant against agriculture. . Therefore, the telecast of the broadcast is starting from November 29.

Media speaking about bacteria reproduces. Many opposition leaders including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, SP supremo Akhilesh Yadav have surrounded the government regarding this issue. Vigyan Gandhi has fired in exchange for Khim, the Union Minister who worked in the Lakhimpur Mari case.

Government, MSP law applicable on Ajay Mishra: Varun Gandhi posted on PM Modi:
