Ahead of Gujarat elections, Arvind Kejriwal promises monthly allowance for women

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convener Arvind Kejriwal has promised a monthly allowance to all women above 18 years of age. 1000 if they accept the grant when they come to power.

This is the fifth election promise made by Kejriwal to the people of Gujarat. He first promised a ‘raid raj’ in the tribal areas of Gujarat by implementing the Fifth Schedule and Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act and guaranteeing a guarantee of free electricity up to 300 units per month, and setting up an advisory body of traders did. job to every youth 3,000 monthly unemployment allowance till getting the job.

This was the Delhi Chief Minister’s third visit to Gujarat in ten days and tenth in the last four months.

Earlier, Prime Minister Modi had criticized Kejriwal for distributing ‘rewari’ or free gifts.

“This Revdi culture (or culture of free) is dangerous for the development of the country. People with Revdi culture will never build new expressways, new airports or defense corridors for you. Together we have to defeat this mentality, remove Revdi culture. It is from the politics of the country.” The Prime Minister said.

Kejriwal retaliated and said, 1,000 (per month allowance) is not a revdi (freebie). it’s your right. Public money should go to the public, not to the Swiss bank.”

Kejriwal hit out at the Congress saying it would soon merge with the BJP and that “love is flourishing” between the two parties.

“Gujarat election will be between AAP and BJP. Gujarat Congress is going to merge with Gujarat BJP. (I love you) ILU-ILU of BJP-Congress will end. On one hand, there is “27 years of misrule” Kejriwal On Sunday, the BJP and AAP on the other hand have a “new politics”.

Elections are to be held in Gujarat at the end of the year. The fight for Gujarat has traditionally been between the BJP and the Congress, but this time the Aam Aadmi Party, which has joined the new party, is taking a jibe at those in power trying to carve a niche for itself in the state. This year, the AAP party won a landslide victory in Punjab by defeating both the BJP and the Congress. Kejriwal’s party won 92 out of 117 seats in Punjab.

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