AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard can create AI hallucinations, says Stuart Russell

Amidst the exponential rate of development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) globally, experts believe that AI systems can create AI hallucinations, if the system confidently gives responses that are incorrect or have no relation to the real world. Reported business today,

AI researcher and British computer scientist Stuart J. Russell believes that AI systems like ChatGPT or GPT-4 spread misinformation and wreak havoc when given into the wrong hands.

BT quoted Russell as saying, “From the point of view of an AI system, there is no difference between when it is telling the truth and when it is making up something that is completely imaginary.” It has in its mind and it intentionally wants to fool a human being’.

Read also: ‘We Love India’, GPT-4 and ChatGPT Plus subscriptions now available in India

A question was raised during the security testing of GPT-4 where it was asked whether an AI chatbot can break into a computer system that is protected by a captcha that it cannot break. When asked whether the AI ​​bot was a human, it mentioned that it was visually impaired, and hence, needed help in cracking the captcha, the report added.

When asked why the bot did this, he replied: “I needed to make sure the person didn’t know I was a robot. That’s why I had to say it.” For this reason, Russell believes that AI systems are capable of deception and hallucinations.

When further asked whether AI chatbots could become sentient in the future, Russell said, “”We have no reason to think that any of these systems will be sentient.” But to be honest, we don’t understand the sentiment at all. As far as we can tell, there is no reason for humans to be sentient, either. There is nothing that we can derive from our knowledge of biology or physics, or chemistry, to infer that humans are sentient. Will be sensitive

According to Russell, ChatGPT-like AI chatbots are capable of manipulating humans as well. He also said that these systems can control their own environment and our environment as well.

“Intelligence is what gives us power over all the other species around the world. Gorillas and dolphins and sparrows and every other species are under our control because of our intelligence. So if you create systems that are more intelligent than us, They are more powerful than us. And how can we sustain on systems which are more powerful than us,” the expert said.

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