AICTE offers several scholarships with grants up to Rs 50,000, here’s how to get one

NS All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is offering different scholarships for the candidates who have registered for technical education institutes. GATE, GPAT and CEED qualified students who are admitted in regular postgraduate programs approved by AICTE can avail the scholarship scheme.

Students can also enroll for AICTE PG Scholarship on or before 30th November at The last date for verification by AICTE of PG scholarships is up to January 15, 2022. Students fulfilling the eligibility conditions can apply online through National Scholarship Portal (NSP) –

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Scholarships include AICTE Pragati Scholarship (Technical Degree and Diploma) for girl students, AICTE Saksham Scholarship (Technical Degree and Diploma) for Students with Special Disabilities, and AICTE Swanath Scholarship (Technical Degree and Diploma). The selected candidates will be given Rs 12,400 per month for two years or for the duration of the course.

AICTE took to Twitter to announce the same, “# Online applications are invited from AICTE approved Institute. / Student studying in AICTE approved Institute / eligible through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) following # courses for the year 2021-22 for distribution of scholarship. students,” it tweeted.

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All scholarships are Rs 50,000 per annum for each year of study and are eligible for students pursuing technical degree courses and diploma courses. Swanath Scholarship Scheme is provided for a maximum period of four years for first year degree students and maximum three years for diploma students. Saksham Scholarship is Rs 50000 for students with disabilities for both degree and diploma courses and Pragati Scholarship for female students. Both degree and diploma courses.

AICTE is a national level advisory body imparting technical education in the country. It provides accreditation to institutions and also offers many different scholarships and fellowships to students who wish to pursue technical degree courses. AICTE Scholarship Schemes help the meritorious and deserving students to successfully complete higher education without any financial constraint.

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