AIFUCTO calls for withdrawal of NEP

Resolution passed during 31st Statutory Conference of AIFUCTO in Tirupati

The All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organization (AIFUCTO) has urged the central government to scrap the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which they feared could lead to a disastrous trend in the education sector.

A resolution to this effect was passed during the three-day 31st statutory convention of the federation that concluded in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh on Sunday.

According to a press note issued by the federation, the conference also urged the central government to rein in alleged attempts to privatize the education sector and communalise the education sector through various statutory bodies, including the University Grants Commission, the All India Council for Technical Education, the National Council for Technical Education, and the National Council of Education. For teacher education and AYUSH.

Keshab Bhattacharya, Arun Kumar and D. Kumar were elected as the National President, Secretary and Treasurer of the federation respectively.

new office bearers

The statutory convention has led Association of Kerala Government College Teachers (AKGCT) president N. Manoj and All Kerala Private College Teachers Association (AKPCTA) President Jogi Alex as National Secretary of AIFUCTO and Secretary of South Zone respectively.
