AIM to help non-English speaking innovators

New Delhi Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) under NITI Aayog is launching a local language innovation program to provide ecosystem services to non-English speaking innovators. It aims to provide learning materials in local languages, access to global markets and funding for startups and innovators from non-English speaking backgrounds.

The first phase will start on December 22 in partnership with IIT Delhi and will focus on design thinking and entrepreneurship. It is divided into three phases, with the first focused on training, while the other two will help innovators grow and seek investment.

AIM plans to cater to the ecosystem in 22 languages ​​and English. “We are training a local task force in each of these 22 languages. The task force has teachers, design thinkers, language translators and even chief executive officers of incubation centers in various fields,” said Chintan Vaishnav, mission director, AIM.

Vaishnav said that AIM, in collaboration with the Department of Design, IIT Delhi, will train the task force in these subjects by April. The task force will then mentor and assist innovators and startups from the local background to learn cutting-edge topics.

After April, AIM will organize regular events for entrepreneurs, providing them access to learning materials, access to markets and funding.

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