Air India Pee Case | Delhi court reserves order on bail plea of ​​accused Shankar Mishra

Shankar Mishra accused of urinating on a female passenger in an Air India flight from New York to Delhi. File photo | Photo Credit: PTI

A Delhi court on Monday reserved its order on the bail application for January 31. Shankar MishraAccused of urinating on a woman on board Air India Flight New York to New Delhi.

Police has opposed the bail applicationHe said that this incident has brought bad name to India at the international level.

The judge said, “It may be disgusting but it is a different matter, don’t get into it. Let’s see how the law deals with it.”

The judge also observed that the witnesses named by the prosecution “are not testifying in your (police) favour”.

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The police have also alleged that the accused had threatened the complainant.

Mr Mishra had sought bail, saying that initially a magisterial court had refused bail as the investigation was pending.

“Now it is done and they have examined other crew members and witnesses. Also, they asked for reimbursement of ticket and demanded no action against me,” the lawyer said.