Air India sale to Tata a ‘gift’, say unions

A joint forum of 10 central trade unions says this is a policy that goes against the interests of the people and is anti-national.

On 13 October a joint forum of 10 central trade unions came out against the recently announced Sale of Air India to Tata, adding that the government’s move was tantamount to gifting the company to the national carrier.

editorial | A Homecoming: On Air India and Tata

In a statement, the unions said the government had sold Air India For an amount that was little compared to “what has gone into making it for decades”.

“It is a gift to the Tatas on the 75th year of independence after its acquisition by the government in 1948, followed by its nationalization in 1953. Several lakh crores of rupees from the national exchequer were poured in to expand its asset base, vast fleet of aircraft and properties, both in the country and abroad,” the unions said.

the unions said The deal would mean the government would absorb ₹46,262 crore out of Air India’s ₹67,000 crore debt, but “the assets created out of such debt shall be handed over to Tata in lieu of only ₹18,000 crore”.

He said the sale would be against public interest and pointed out that it was Air India that took back home Indians stranded during the Gulf War as well as due to COVID-19.

“It is Air India that was used to help people in natural calamities like earthquakes, heavy floods, avalanches in mountainous areas etc. This…is a policy which goes against the interests of the people and is anti-national. Trade unions committed to the interests of the working people and the common people will intensify their resistance in the national interest.”

The forum includes Indian Trade Union Center, All India Trade Union Congress, Indian National Trade Union Congress, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, All India United Trade Union Center, Trade Union Coordination Committee, Self-Employed Women’s Union. , All-India Central Council of Trade Unions, Labor Progressive Federation and United Trade Union Congress.


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