Air India’s aircraft was safe even in a dangerous storm, everyone sees

The campaign is being run across the country on social media.

new Delhi:

In Britain, the mighty Hurricane Eunice Melt is in full swing. A high-quality infected person has the same ability. ️Uni️Uni️ Buildings️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ I live. The airplane(s) in flight at this airport(s) were in dangerous condition.

this also further

Especially you are all kind of fast on all social media (social media) in the videos of strong wind and strong wind (landing). Videos like this. All these will get spoiled due to inclement weather in good weather. Whose ear, the passenger who carries the air traveller, continues to give the danger of the womb. ️Pilot️Pilot️️

It is being shared on social media at a fast pace. In the weather of the wind blowing can get worse- can get worse. Piot’s conversation with Air India works on this kind of life and he is impressed by his experience. Kiran, an ex-consultant from Pondicherry has shared a video.

Demonstration Campaign Video-

In this video Storm Younis is watching a flier landing at KB Heathrow Airport (Heathrow Airport). Air Air India (Air India) planes were landed. Which got worse in the strong wind blowing due to the strong wind blowing in the wind. You can do any kind of test. The color of this Air Air India is like 787.

To proceed further:

Now this video is being shared very fast on social media. Everyone is watching. Kiran Bedi (Kiran Bedi) wrote ‘Safe weather landing in Air India’s journey. Congratulations to Kushal Air India. One has recorded such videos over and over again, as if password to password was entered. To keep it balanced.

See also: View of the scene at the Mumbai airport, to be seen in the Bidas look
