Air Pollution: How To Protect Your Eyes Amidst Rising AQI? 5 tips to protect your eyes from pollution

Air Pollution: The drop in the Air Quality Index (AQI) from “poor” to “severe” is triggering physical and medical problems. Air pollution is one of the major causes of acute diseases seen in people of all ages. Our eyes are particularly sensitive to air quality, making them vulnerable to allergies and irritation from air pollution.

According to experts, the air we are breathing is full Harmful chemicals and harmful particlesAnd the level of air pollution is at the highest level in Delhi and NCR region.

The most common eye problems caused by smog or air pollution are:

– watery eyes

– eye pain

– redness

– feeling of burning in the eyes

– a stinging feeling

– dry eyes

– Itching and blurred vision are among other symptoms

Tips for eye protection

1. Use protective goggles or shades

People who use face masks to protect their respiratory system from the harmful effects of pollution are a common sight we see every day now. So just as face masks help our lungs, glasses will help our eyes. Therefore, it is imperative that we always wear sunglasses or eye protection.

It is important that we protect our eyes with sunglasses, especially when we are traveling in an open car or exposed to dangerous airborne contaminants.

2. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Due to the contamination of the air, the eyes start burning. We should never rub our eyes under the influence of that experience. Rubbing the eye can increase discomfort and make it feel like it is burning. apart from this, rub your eyes Spreading germs with your bare hands can infect your eye.

3. Use Eye Drops

Our cornea is protected from dryness, itching, pathogenic bacteria and dangerous pollutants by a layer of moisture. You should always have eye drops on hand but only after consulting a doctor. Using eye drops regularly helps to keep the eyes moist and healthy. Additionally, lubricating the eyes two to three times daily helps reduce optical discomfort.

4. Use Cold Compressors and Stay Hydrated

Using cooling compressors helps reduce the irritation that occurs in the eyes due to excessive exposure to pollutants. When you need to get rid of eye itching and swelling, a normal cold compressor like a clean cloth soaked in cold water is helpful.

there is another option use ice cubes Which is wrapped in a fresh cotton cloth. Applying cubes on your eyes can do wonders to get relief from the irritation caused by pollution.

5. Routine Eye Exams

To keep your eyes healthy, you should have regular eye exams. Additionally, if the dryness in your eyes persists for a long time and treatments do not cure the condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from an ophthalmologist.

Also read: Eat these things to increase eyesight

daily safety practices

Wash your eyes frequently with cool water or apply only prescribed eye drops to avoid infection.

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants such as fish, green leafy vegetables, carrots, nuts and berries.

Avoid being on screen for a long time, which can lead to computer vision syndrome and dry eyes.

Be sure to brake and blink frequently for lubrication.

The level of toxic air is increasing in metros and surrounding areas. We must do everything possible to protect our eyes from actual physical damage.