Ajit Pawar: Theaters in Pune can run at 100% capacity from December 1, says Ajit Pawar Pune News – Times of India

Pune: Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar On Saturday, cinema halls and auditoriums in the district were allowed to operate at 100% capacity following all COVID protocols from December 1, apart from cultural activities in open ground like Sawai Gandharva Music Festival and Bhimtadi Jatra in the review meeting of Kovid next month. programs were promoted.
Ajit Pawar, who is also the Guardian Minister of Pune, decided to lift the 50% occupancy restrictions on cinema halls and auditoriums after assessing the situation at the local level. The district’s latest weekly positivity rate (WPR) was around 2%.
Later in the day, the state government issued orders in light of the emergence of the new version and limited attendance at cinema halls, cinema halls, wedding halls and enclosed spaces to 50% of their capacity.
NS District Disaster Management Authority ,DDMA) concerned have the right to decide on the working capacity of these places, however. Pune Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar said he would discuss the implications of the state’s orders with the deputy chief minister before issuing a final order on the civic limits.
In the review meeting, Ajit Pawar said that scientists and experts were in favor of certain restrictions on international travel after the emergence of the Omron variant. “The Center will issue these guidelines and the state will follow them. Undoubtedly, we need some restrictions on international flights coming from places of concern, especially South Africa,” he said.
Deputy Chief Minister said mandatory investigation RT-PCR Reports of fully vaccinated people will be withdrawn on their return to Pune on domestic flights as they were being screened while on board the planes.
