Alarm bells: on the symbols of Sikh separatism

symbols of Sikh separatism that appeared in Himachal Pradesh assembly complex Sunday in Dharamsala suggests that the forces promoting it are active and capable of causing mischief. Alleged flags of fictional Khalistan Slogans were put up at the gate of the campus and slogans were written on the walls. The state police chief has constituted a special investigation team and ordered strict vigil at the borders. The same day, police in Punjab said they had averted a terrorist attack in Tarn Taran district with explosives after arresting two men who are said to be pro-Khalistan. A US-based Khalistani separatist has been charged under the UAPA and the Indian Penal Code in Himachal Pradesh. Opposition parties in the state, Congress and AAP, have used the incident to build a case against the ruling BJP a few months before the assembly elections. Comparative rhetoric had cast a shadow over the recent elections in Punjab, where political opponents accused each other of being sympathetic to the separatists. It was an avoidable loose talk on a sensitive subject. Sikh separatism, and terrorism backed by Pakistan, was decimated by the Indian state decades ago, but at a great human and political cost. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated and the communal violence against the Sikh community at various places deepened the fault lines. Those wounds continue to grow, and care must be taken by the state, political actors and community leaders to ensure that history does not repeat itself as yet another tragedy.

The separatist plan to hold a plebiscite on Khalistan in Himachal Pradesh is ridiculous, but caution is necessary. Groups calling for Khalistan are based abroad, and enjoy little respect in the Sikh mainstream at this time. They campaign among the Sikh diaspora, accusing the community of mistreatment by the Indian state. Although they have a conducive environment. The domestic divide in India, fueled by the politics and policy of the ruling BJP, is resonating among the diaspora in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia. Religious minorities and Dalits have been cut off from the Indian government’s migrant mobilization. Hindutva allies control Indian diaspora politics. It provides an opportunity to incite passion for the enemies of India. Fortunately for India, there are not many people for such propaganda among the Sikh community. But thoughtless comments and campaigns against the community, especially when they are led by powerful political actors, can create serious backlash. In its desperation to outlaw the agrarian movement, the BJP backed campaigns that portrayed Sikh protesters as anti-nationals inspired by foreign countries. Though isolated and vulnerable, Sikh separatism is flimsy. It should serve as a constant reminder for social unity and fair state policy.