All countries have to play by the same rules of the road: Biden tells Xi at virtual summit

Washington: The United States will always insist on its values, rules are universal and countries must abide by them, US President Joe Biden said at the start of the much-anticipated virtual meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“We have a responsibility to the world as well as our people. – I’ve talked about this – all countries have to play by the same rules of the road, why America has always stood up for our interests and values ​​and our allies and of partners,” the White House press pool quoted Biden as saying.

In his opening remarks, Biden stressed the need to cooperate “particularly on important global issues like climate change.” “We have a responsibility to the world as well as to our people,” Biden said during their meeting.

The US president opened the virtual summit by noting that the two had “spent a lot of time talking to each other” over the years, and “maybe I should start more formally, even if you and I never Don’t be formal.”

On the other hand, the Chinese president expressed his willingness to work with the Biden administration to build a consensus on how to advance Sino-US relations. He said that both the countries are at a critical stage of development and the “global village” of humanity is facing many challenges.

During his opening remarks, Xi stressed that a strong and stable Sino-US relationship is needed to advance the respective development of the two countries and protect a peaceful and stable international environment, including climate change and COVID-19. Involves obtaining effective responses to challenges. -19 pandemic.

Xi also expressed his desire to work with Biden to build consensus and take proactive steps to steer Sino-US relations in a positive direction.

This is the first meeting between the two leaders since Biden took office. Although both have spoken on the phone twice so far.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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