‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ review: A terrifying reminder of the dogs of war

Edvard Berger’s film tells a gripping story with top-notch performances and captivating cinematography, making it a solid film adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s popular anti-war novel.

Edvard Berger’s film tells a gripping story with top-notch performances and captivating cinematography, making it a solid film adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s popular anti-war novel.

German soldier Paul Bomer sits in a muddy pit in No Man’s Land, his head in his hands as the fight rages around him. He has brutally stabbed a French soldier, who is gasping for breath as his lungs fill with blood. Baumer has been battling it out in the Great War for 18 months, but suddenly feels compassion for the enemy and wants to help the man who is almost dead. He finds the picture of the French soldier’s wife and daughter in his blood-stained coat and weeps bitterly.

But it’s not an epiphany that turns him. Though the incident scares him, we later see Baumer – with stunned eyes and stunned by the loss of his teammates – accusing the French and hacking him with all the energy left in his wiry frame. The barbarism of war has diluted the duality of man, exposing him.

all Quiet on the Western Front

the director: Edward Berger

ThrowFelix Kammerer, Albrecht Schuch, Daniel Brühl, Sebastian Hulk, Aaron Hilmer, Edin Hasanovich and David Streisso

Order: 147 minutes

Story: The anti-war drama follows German soldier Paul Bomer, who is forced to face the brutal realities of war

Not far away, a military commander, General Frederick, on a sprawling sprawl in an ancient, grimy dining room, grumbles all the time that the impending ceasefire is an act of cowardice. “What is a soldier without war?” He says, wasting his missed opportunity to succeed on the battle front. Driven by a broken ego and patriotism, he sends his battered soldiers back into battle.

These contrasting realities of men in the trenches and warring generals hit home in the latest film adaptation of the 1928 German novel Im Westen Nichts Neues , all Quiet on the Western Front) As Bomer and his friends traverse the unforgivable battlefields of World War I, we witness their evolution from wide-eyed, enthusiastic recruits to infantrymen troubled by the excesses of war. One by one, they lose the will to live because the pain of loss is heavier than the wounds of battle.

Erich Maria Remarque’s anti-war novel already carries a reputation for being one of the most honest and disturbing accounts of the experience of young German soldiers in World War I. So much so that the Third Reich ordered that every copy of the book be burned in Nazi Germany as they felt it discredited the German war effort. In 1930, an American film adapted from the book won the Academy Award for Best Picture and remains a classic to this day.

Remaking Remarque’s great creation is undoubtedly a daunting task today, but if anti-war movies serve as artistic endeavors to remind us of the horrors of war, the latest iteration all Quiet on the Western Front Did a great job, kept it there with choice saving Private Ryan And 1917, Director Edward Berger focuses on the brutality that young soldiers experience on the battlefield and skips parts of the book where they are taken into battle by their professor, as well as leading a normal life upon their return home. His hardships are also depicted in it.

Berger uses long scenes and strong visuals, tweaking the original plot to give us a gripping story. The cinematography is immediately captivating as we are taken on the journey of Bomer and his friends. Bomer has forged his parents’ signatures to join the war in 1917, as he and his friends are excited about the prospects of fighting for the fatherland. They happily leave the city, but when they reach the trenches the reality of war comes to the fore. For Baumer, Albert Kropp, Franz Müller and Ludwig Behm, their whole world and their preconceived notions of war are about to be turned upside down.

Raw performances are top-notch, notably Baumer, played by Felix Kammerer, and Stanislaus “Kat” Katzinski, played by Albrecht Schuch. Kat is an old, friendly soldier who subdues the youth. Even a year into their nominations, the boys are still a bit naive and on edge. The war seems to be coming to an end, but they begin to feel disillusioned with it. “We’ll be in Paris in six weeks!” He sang for himself when he joined. And yet, they make little or no progress on the Western Front in 18 months.

There are genuine efforts to end the war. Hollywood star Daniel Brühl plays Mathias Erzberger, a German officer who has lost his son in battle and is trying to make peace with the French. He knows that every moment they delay the ceasefire, more boys die. But politics is a dirty game, and people like General Frederick don’t care that their lives are being sacrificed in an effort to make a name for themselves.

Soldiers take each day as it comes, with little hope of the next. As they scour for food and pass by French women, they fantasize about life after the war. One moment Kat talks about having more kids, the next moment he is raring to fight, asking, “How long will we go again?” Duality, again. All the while, they are overwhelmed with tanks and flamethrowers, exhausted and despondent. The fleshy characters stand out because they are well written and applied with all their heart and soul.

There are such chilling and frightening moments in the film that will make you want to watch away. And there are moments of diplomatic idiosyncrasy that will make you swoon. All are equally disturbing, yet they all barely scratch the surface of the inhumanity of the events that took place during the Great War. Also, as Edward Berger said in an interview, the film could not have come at a better time with what is happening in Europe.

all Quiet on the Western Front Not only to capture the abominations of war, but also to stand out in its message that the young men who are sent to fight are like lambs to the slaughter – only pawns in the moves of bloodthirsty generals. This is not the first and not the last work of art that depicts the impoverishment of men in battle.