All you need to know about diabetic retinopathy

A serious disease like diabetes comes with many health risks like heart attack, narrowing of the arteries, stroke and high blood pressure. But one such complication of diabetes that is increasing recently is diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious vision-threatening condition that can affect people with high blood sugar levels. In this condition, excessive sugar levels in the blood damage the blood vessels in the person’s retina. Blood vessels may leak, swell, or even become clogged, limiting blood flow.

Since diabetic retinopathy can cause vision loss and even complete blindness in people, its treatment becomes imperative. However, before going for the treatment, it should be known that the treatment depends on the type of retinopathy that one is suffering from.

According to doctors, people whose diabetic retinopathy is in the early stages, they do not need immediate treatment. When the condition is mild or moderate, controlling blood sugar levels can slow its progression. It is advised that one can consult their doctors and make necessary changes in their lifestyle to prevent the rise in blood sugar levels.

In case of advanced diabetic retinopathy, one may require medical treatment which depends on the condition of the patient. The treatments available for advanced diabetic retinopathy are listed below.

  • photocoagulation laser treatment

In this treatment, medical specialists use a laser to stop or restrict the leakage of blood into the eye. Laser burn helps in the healing of abnormal blood vessels and improves the patient’s condition.

  • Panretinal Photocoagulation Laser Treatment

This is another laser treatment that shrinks abnormal blood vessels. Lasers are used to treat scattered burn areas away from the macula. Although this method shrinks abnormal blood vessels, it can also cause loss of peripheral vision or night vision.

Certain medications are also used to treat diabetic retinopathy. These are called vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors and are injected into the eye. They are effective in stopping the growth of new blood vessels and reducing fluid buildup in the eye.

Patients who have blurred vision due to leakage of blood vessels in the eye are usually recommended for this treatment. In this, the doctor makes a small incision in the patient’s eye and removes scar tissue while repairing the blood vessels.

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