AMAZON stock price today live updates: AMAZON current price is $127.26, up by 0.98% from yesterday’s $126.02

AMAZON Stock Price Live Updates: On the last day, Amazon’s stock opened at $124.23 and closed at $126.02. The stock reached a high of $126.58 and a low of $123.05 throughout the day.

This is an automated live blog using CFD data of US Equity markets

30 Sep 2023, 01:15:13 AM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.28, up by 1.00% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the latest data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.28. This indicates the price at which the company’s shares are currently trading in the market. It is important to note that stock prices can be highly volatile and can fluctuate throughout the trading day. This price is just a snapshot at a specific moment in time and may change rapidly. Investors and analysts use stock prices to assess the performance and value of a company’s shares.

30 Sep 2023, 01:05:08 AM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

In the hour ended 30-Sep-2023 01:05, the opening price of Amazon stock was $127.38. The stock reached a high of $127.58 and a low of $126.97 in that hour. Finally, it closed at $127.21.

Open $127.38
High $127.58
Low $126.97
Close $127.21
30 Sep 2023, 12:45:06 AM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.23, up by 0.96% from last trading day’s $126.02

The current stock price of Amazon is $127.23.

30 Sep 2023, 12:30:01 AM IST

AMAZON Stock price: MTD Return

AMAZON currently priced at $127.37 has provided a return of –7.77% in this calendar month

30 Sep 2023, 12:15:09 AM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.02, up by 0.79% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.02.

30 Sep 2023, 12:05:07 AM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

In the hour ended 30-Sep-2023 00:05, the stock of Amazon had an opening price of $126.77. Throughout the hour, the highest price reached was $127.17, while the lowest price recorded was $126.52. The stock eventually closed at $126.84.

Open $126.77
High $127.17
Low $126.52
Close $126.84
29 Sep 2023, 11:45:04 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.07, up by 0.83% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.07. However, without any further information or context, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive summary of the stock’s performance. Factors such as the time period for which the stock price is being analyzed, any recent news or events that may have impacted the stock, and the overall trend in the stock’s performance would need to be taken into consideration to provide a more detailed summary.

29 Sep 2023, 11:30:01 PM IST

AMAZON Stock price: 12 Months Return

AMAZON currently priced at $126.77 has provided a return of +10.32% in the last 12 months

29 Sep 2023, 11:16:05 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $126.98, up by 0.76% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $126.98.

29 Sep 2023, 11:05:05 PM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

The summary based on the hourly data of Amazon stock for the hour ended 29-Sep-2023 23:05 is as follows:

– The opening price of Amazon stock for this hour was $127.38.
– The highest price reached during this hour was also $127.38.
– The lowest price recorded was $126.33.
– Finally, the closing price for this hour was $126.90.

Open $127.38
High $127.38
Low $126.33
Close $126.90
29 Sep 2023, 10:45:09 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $126.64, up by 0.49% from last trading day’s $126.02

The current stock price of Amazon is $126.64.

29 Sep 2023, 10:30:02 PM IST

AMAZON Stock price: 6 Months Return

AMAZON currently priced at 127.37 has provided a return of +27.07% in the last 6 months

29 Sep 2023, 10:15:07 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.48, up by 1.16% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.48.

29 Sep 2023, 10:05:13 PM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

During the hour ended on September 29, 2023, the opening price of Amazon stock was $127.72. The stock reached a high of $128.05 and a low of $127.55. Finally, it closed at $127.80.

Open $127.72
High $128.05
Low $127.55
Close $127.80
29 Sep 2023, 09:45:07 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.68, up by 1.32% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.68.

29 Sep 2023, 09:30:01 PM IST

AMAZON Stock price: 3 Months Return

AMAZON currently priced at $127.72 has provided a return of –0.20% in the last 3 months

29 Sep 2023, 09:15:05 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.61, up by 1.26% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, Amazon’s stock price is at $127.61. This information provides a snapshot of the company’s current valuation in the stock market. However, it is important to note that stock prices are subject to fluctuations and can change rapidly based on various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and investor sentiment. It is recommended to regularly monitor the stock market and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

29 Sep 2023, 09:05:08 PM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

In the hour ended 29-Sep-2023 21:05, the stock price of Amazon opened at $128.31 and reached a high of $128.64. However, it also experienced a low of $127.47 before closing at $127.56.

Open $128.31
High $128.64
Low $127.47
Close $127.56
29 Sep 2023, 08:45:07 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $127.97, up by 1.55% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $127.97.

29 Sep 2023, 08:30:03 PM IST

AMAZON Stock price: 1 Month Return

AMAZON currently priced at $128.29 has provided a return of –4.87% in the last 1 month

29 Sep 2023, 08:15:19 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $128.19, up by 1.72% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $128.19. This indicates the value that investors are willing to pay for each share of the company. It is important to note that stock prices can fluctuate throughout the day as a result of various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and investor sentiment. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly monitor the stock price and consider other relevant information before making any investment decisions.

29 Sep 2023, 08:05:04 PM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON stock price Hourly update

The hourly data for Amazon stock for the hour ended 29-Sep-2023 20:05 shows that the stock opened at 128.41 and reached a high of 128.74. The lowest point it reached was 127.73 before closing at 128.32.

Open $128.41
High $128.74
Low $127.73
Close $128.32
29 Sep 2023, 07:45:07 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $128.01, up by 1.58% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, the stock price of Amazon is $128.01. This means that one share of Amazon is currently valued at $128.01.

29 Sep 2023, 07:15:19 PM IST

AMAZON stock price Live: AMAZON trading at $128.83, up by 2.23% from last trading day’s $126.02

As of the current data, Amazon stock is priced at $128.83.

29 Sep 2023, 06:47:10 PM IST

AMAZON stock price live: AMAZON closed at $126.02 on the last trading day

On the last day, the closing price of Amazon shares was $126.02.

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