American Woman Puts Pet Dog On Life Support After “Head Butt” It While He Played

Ms. Stevenson is back home and suffering a major side effect. (unsplash/representative photo)

A dog owner in the United States was put on life support after his over-excited dog accidentally bit his head on his chin. according to Independent, Erin Stevenson reported that she was in the yard with her Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Skye, back in January when her dog accidentally hit her while playing. The 41-year-old said she thought little about the incident until three days later – when she became unable to swallow and took herself to the hospital.

Ms Stevenson explained that she and her dog were engaging in an otherwise friendly romp outside. The five-year-old dog then received what he described as an exciting case of “zoomies”—a dog owner’s shorthand when dogs receive an explosive and unexplained burst of energy that is sent forward by the animal around the room— Reversing is solved. or yard. She said that Skye was doing zoomies and out of excitement tugged her under her chin.

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Later, the 41-year-old reportedly said that the initial bump on her chin did not raise any serious alarm. However, three days later she revealed that she woke up and realized she was unable to swallow, after which she decided that a trip to the hospital was necessary.

according to IndependentMs Stevenson said her early symptoms presented doctors with a conundrum to diagnose. But they eventually determined that the dog’s head-butt had cracked its molars and caused a severe abscess in its jaw.

“It caused so much swelling in my face and neck that doctors were worried that my airway would collapse,” Ms Stevenson said. She said doctors decided to put her on life support and intubate her so she could breathe. In addition, the 41-year-old revealed that she spent several weeks on life support after Christmas.

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She had two molars removed and a tube inserted into her neck to drain the abscess fluid from the infection. Independent reported that even though Ms. Stevenson was a life-saver, her husband, Scott, was the one who she believed had actually dealt with the ordeal.

“I told her to tell her family that I love them,” she said.

But luckily, Ms. Stevenson made it back home and now suffers only one major side effect from accident with her playful pup – she can only open her mouth up to a certain point.