Amid Pandemic, Sales of Microwave Popcorn Witness Soar in Europe – Here’s Why

Two years of the coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives to a great extent. We have seen a change in the way we work, how we rest and what we eat. Eating healthy and boosting immunity has become a priority – but so has comfort food. We have a ton of feel-good snacks that we stock up on during these testing times to cheer us up or just to keep our spirits up. Microwave popcorn has emerged as an unexpected favorite comfort food in the pandemic. Europe has seen an unprecedented jump in microwave popcorn sales, and here’s what you need to know about it.

Currently, cinemas in most European countries remain closed or operate at limited capacity. it may affect popcorn sales There has also been an increase in sales of microwave popcorn in theaters as well.

(Also read: This Microwave Popcorn Hack Shows You Can Make Them Wrong,

Popcorn is not only delicious but also a light and healthy snack.

Natais is one of Europe’s largest popcorn producers based in France and accounts for 40% of popcorn sales in the European market. Its current chief executive Michael Ehmann founded the company in 1994 and has seen a boom in microwave popcorn sales. Europe, “The health crisis has had negative consequences for our network of theaters’ suppliers, but there are also positive consequences, as sales of microwavable popcorn have increased exponentially,” Ehmann told AFP.

According to sales director Helen Rico, last year actually saw a boom in microwavable bag sales. “The market was already expanding to Europe, but with the health crisis, microwavable” Popcorn It has exploded,” she told AFP. “During the lockdown, people discovered popcorn as a kind of comfort food in these gloomy times,” Rico said.

Natais sold over 200 million bags of popcorn in Europe 207 million in 2020 and in 2021. “We are targeting an annual growth rate of 4.0-5.0 percent in the coming years. Unlike the US, the market has not yet reached maturity in Europe,” Ricoh said.

What did you think of this new trend in microwave popcorn? Tell us in the comments below.
