Amy Organics IPO listing date, what does the latest Gray Market Premium (GMP) indicate

Amy Organics IPO GMP: After finalizing the share allotment process, the bidders of the Public Issue Price 569.64 crore people are eagerly waiting for the date of Amy Organics IPO listing which is likely to be on 14th September 2021. However, customers of the public offering are also watching the gray market. According to market observers, a section of IPO bidders believe that the gray market premium (GMP) gives an indication about the listing premium of the public issue. He Said Amy Organics IPO GMP Is Today 155 – 5 up from yesterday’s gray market premium 150. Observers further stated that the public issue is oscillating within the limits of GMP from 150 175 means that the gray market is expecting a listing premium of around 25% from the public issue.

Amy Organics IPO Gray Market Premium

Market Observers Said Amy Organics Gray Market Premium Is Today 155, which is 5 up from its Saturday gray market premium 150. After a strong membership of 64.54 times, the range of Amy Organics IPO GMP is fluctuating, he added from 150 175. Amy Organics IPO shot by GMP from 50 125 shares just before the date of allotment and went further north. Wednesday Morning, Amy Organics IPO Was GMP 173, which was the highest since Amy Organics shares became available for trading in the gray market. However, for the last four days, Amy Organics has been trading at a listing premium of more than the stock. 150 in the gray market.

what does this gmp mean

On what this GMP means for Amy Organics’ IPO, market observers said the gray market is expecting around 25 per cent listing premium from this IPO, provided primary market sentiment remains stable after the extended weekend. He said that the gray market premium simply means the amount of listing premium expected from the public issue. He said that today 155 GMP Means Gray Market Is Expecting Amy Organics IPO Listing 765 ( 610+ 155) – about 25 percent above its price band from 603 610.

Speaking about the expected listing gains, one can expect from Amy Organics IPO; Abhay Doshi, Founder,, said, “If sentiment remains stable during the long weekend, I believe Amy Organics should be listed at a premium of around 25 per cent which sounds good.”

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