Android: Windows 11 Android support will soon be available in five more countries – Times of India

Android Apps support on Windows 11 was probably one of the most highlighted features of the operating system at the time of its launch. However, when the operating system finally arrived, Android support was completely missing.
After a couple of months, Microsoft Started testing the feature and also introduced amazon appstore As the leading source of Android apps, which at launch had only about 1,000 apps meant to run on Windows and were only available in the United States.
The latter part appears to be changing as the company has now confirmed that they are expanding Android app support capabilities to five more countries. This includes France
Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom.
While the company has not provided any exact rollout date, it has been confirmed that the feature will arrive in the above-mentioned five countries by the end of the year.
note that like Windows Android SubsystemThe Amazon App Store Still in preview stage. This means that the product is still under development and is expected to gain new features and functionality over time.
For those unaware, Microsoft recently updated Windows Subsystem Android 12.1 aka Android 12L version for Android for Android which is designed to take advantage of the larger screen size.