Angaraki Chaturthi 2022: Date, Auspicious Time, Worship Method and Significance

Last Update: 13 September 2022, 05:05 IST

Lord Ganesha is considered to be the supreme lord of intellect and the remover of all problems.

Angaraki Chaturthi is celebrated on Sankashti Chaturthi which falls on Tuesday. One day fast is observed by the devotees to please Lord Ganesha and seek blessings.

Angaraki Chaturthi also known as Angaraki Sankashti Chaturthi is an auspicious fasting day observed by Hindus. It is celebrated on Sankashti Chaturthi which falls on Tuesday. One day fast is observed by the devotees to please Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings. Chaturthi Tithi will start on 13th September at 8:07 am and will end on 14th September at 7:55 am. See below to know more about such details.

Angaraki Chaturthi 2022: Auspicious time

Shubh Brahma Muhurta will be from 4:49 am to 5:36 am while Abhijit Muhurta will be from 12:10 pm to 1 pm. Vijay Muhurta is likely to be between 2:39 pm to 3:29 pm while Godhuli Muhurta is from 6:35 pm to 7:00 pm.

Angaraki Chaturthi 2022: Worship Method

On this holy day devotees wake up early in the morning to take bath. They then worship the idol of Lord Ganesha by reciting mantras, hymns and religious hymns. Modak is offered to the deity, which is his favorite sweet. Modaks are distributed as prasad after the aarti.

Keeping a fast is one of the main rituals of Angaraki Chaturthi. People start their fast from sunrise and break it in the evening. While some devotees observe a strict fast without eating anything for the entire day, some observe a partial fast that allows them to eat fruits and sago khichdi.

Angaraki Chaturthi 2022: Significance

Ganesha is considered the supreme lord of intellect and the remover of all problems. It is believed that worshiping him helps in removing obstacles in life. The occasion is celebrated with great enthusiasm and dedication especially in the states of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

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