Angela Merkel: Merkel shortage already, Germans are nervous about what will happen next. World News – Times of India

Berlin: Weeks before the era-defining national election, the German chancellor is missing Angela Merkel Already, those preparing for life under a new leader for the first time in 16 years with a mix of hope and enthusiasm are praising his calm and steady influence.
Four-time Chancellor Merkel, who is stepping down after the September 26 vote, has been on the European stage almost since taking office in 2005, when George W. Bush was the US President, Jacques Chirac at the Elysee Palace in Paris and Tony Blair were British. Prime minister.
armed with a doctorate in quantum chemistryMerkel has used a pragmatic, problem-solving approach to government to help Germany and Europe navigate through the euro area crisis, a large influx of migrants in 2015 and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“She’s clear, she’s intelligent and I miss her already,” said Birgit Dyck, walking through central Berlin, of a woman often referred to as ‘Mutti’ or Mum, and regular Germany is widely rated – and indeed the continent’s favorite politician.
“She’s always there. She’s been like home from home.”
Under Merkel, Germany has gone from being labeled “Europe’s sick man” to an economic superpower, though it is deeply divided along east-west lines and as of 2015 more than one million migrant arrivals fueled the far-right, Disrupted the political landscape.
The daughter of a Protestant pastor, Merkel grew up in communist East Germany before taking command of a predominantly male, Catholic West German party. Christian Democratic Union (Christian Democratic Union)
“As the first female chancellor, I think people were skeptical,” said Maria Louisa Schill, near Freiburg in southwest Germany. black forestMerkel, who on Wednesday described herself as a feminist.
Schill valued Merkel’s crisis-management skills.
“He’s the kind of person you look up to as your anchor in a storm, someone you trust,” said Schill as he strolled past Berlin’s historic Brandenburg Gate. I think he’s done a good job.
For many young Germans, however, Merkel’s successes lie largely in the past, and she says she hasn’t done enough to address climate change, improve education, or move her country into the digital age. .
Maxim, 18, declined to give his surname, saying, “I think the biggest topic is climate change and not just Merkel, the whole government missed the moment.”
Merkel’s successor Armin Laschet from the CDU has promised “persistence”.
But his pitch has failed to win over voters worried about global warming, immigration and Covid-19, and his Social Democrat rivals have rallied him and his party in the polls.
What looked like a few weeks ago was a comfortable victory for Merkel and Lachette’s conservatives CDU/CSU The block is now a tough race, with many possible alliances possible.
“I feel a bit nervous about what is to come,” said Manfred Haas from Nuremberg. “What do I expect? Some stability in the future, but I’m afraid it’s going to go in the opposite direction.”


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