Announcement to join Kanyakumari

The couple’s journey to marry Kanyakumari begins on 7th (symbolologist photo).


Neeb (Congress) has announced Bharat Jodo Yatra (India Jodi Yatra). This journey will be from Kanyakumari to (Kanyakumari to Kashmir) and will start on 7. The party communicated to produce the sound. , To connect to connect in Contact.

People are active only because the participants are socially changed.

The contacts include Rahul Gandhi, Davijay Singh, Jairam Rebh among others from NEING side. In this way it is discussed separately. Height’s Euro Group Roy, Syeda Hameed, Sharad Bihar, PV Rajagopal, Nevjadev, Devnura Mahadeva, GN Devi and Yendra Yadav in one police station of the society.

this also further

Connect India to Sekumari Divine monster, Gandhiji did it in communication