‘Anti Bullying Squad’: ₹50 lakh funding for a 13-year-old schoolgirl’s app

Talking about the digital platform three years ago, Jolly said, ‘Anti Bullying Squad (ABS)’ with the help of educational institutions, social organizations and experts has positively impacted over 2,000 students from over 100 schools and universities. has done.

A Class 8 student has also come up with a mobile application called ‘Kavach’ and it allows students and parents to report bullying incidents anonymously, giving schools and counselors an opportunity to tactfully intervene and take action Is.

Jolly, then nine years old, said that the girl’s bullying was “recorded in my memory and I still can’t forget her face”, leaving her terrified and feeling helpless.

“I was attending the annual school day when my friends decided to bully a six-year-old who they found upset. They went up to her and started calling her name and laughing at her,” she said.

“Soon, I realized how common the problem is and how many other kids my age have been victims of bullying and loss of confidence,” Jolly said. India also gave him a funding offer 50 lakhs.

Pathway School, Gurugram, seeks to build a strong network of student anti-bullying ambassadors, who will track the progress of those affected, directly or indirectly, through the platform and application.

“I have been running the ABS digital platform for over three years with the aim of spreading awareness about bullying, which scares and devastates many people. The platform acts as a community, where experts take one-on-one in schools against bullying. come together to hold a session, Jolly told PTI.

The platform allows people to better understand bullying and its consequences, while simultaneously taking a pledge to stop the threat, she said, adding that it also sells bullying merchandise.

“However, during this process, I realized that most of these incidents go unreported and, therefore, are not resolved. Therefore, I found a bullying reporting mobile app ‘Kavach’ to anonymously report incidents. Got the idea to make it.” Jolly said.

“The idea was well received by the judges of (Shark Tank), two of whom stepped forward to invest in my app. 50 lakhs in appraisals to help me increase its scale and reach,” she said.

Shark Tank India is the indigenous version of Shark Tank, a global entrepreneurial reality show. In India, the show is currently running its first season and has selected 198 candidates out of 50,000 applications.

Jolly’s idea includes Anupam Mittal, founder and CEO of People Group (shaadi.com) and Aman Gupta, co-founder of BOAT.

The daughter of a chartered accountant and an entrepreneur, Jolly plans to take her entrepreneurial journey forward.

However, she has not yet decided what subjects she would like to study after school is over.

“… but I only want to be an entrepreneur, I will take this initiative forward. For now, I am ‘Kavach’ to reach out to more children and organize webinars and interact with the whole country as well as around the world. Looking forward to launching this. Promote the anti-bullying message,” Jolly said.

Congratulating her, Captain Rohit Sen Bajaj, Director, Pathways School, Gurugram said, “We are extremely proud of the spirit and passion of Anushka Jolly, whose work towards ending bullying in schools and campuses is not only about raising awareness about this issue but also in addressing this issue. I have to educate many people, but also to empower the young and old to stand up for themselves and for others”.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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