Anti-drug agency ‘hidden’ behind son-in-law’s case: Nawab Malik’s counterattack

Nawab Malik said, “More than thousands of crores have been collected from the city of Mumbai”.

New Delhi:

Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik told NDTV today that anti-drug agency Narcotics Control Bureau is “hidden” behind the case of his son-in-law, who was arrested in a drugs case, his criticism of the agency as a “personal” matter. was painted. the revenge”.

“This allegation is baseless. They were molding my son-in-law’s case. Nine months ago, he was arrested by Wankhede (NCB regional director Samir Wankhede). I said I have full faith in the Indian judiciary. Nobody is above the law. On 27th of last month, he was granted bail,” Mr. Malik told NDTV in an exclusive interview.

Calling it a “fight against a wrongdoing”, Mr Malik said Wankhede “has taken charge of the NCB to recover the money”.

The senior leader of Sharad Pawar’s Nationalist Congress Party said, “More than thousands of crores have been extorted from Mumbai city. Certainly wrong things are happening.”

Leaders of the ruling coalition in Maharashtra have accused the agency of following the BJP’s line to defame the state government.

Earlier today, Mr Malik in a tweet had questioned Mr Wankhede’s birth certificate. Tweeting a copy of a birth certificate, in which the father’s name read as Dawood’s Wankhede, he captioned it as “Forgery by Sameer Dawood Wankhede starts from here”.

Hours later, Mr. Wankhede filed an affidavit in court, alleging that he had been the victim of “personal vendetta” by a “known political figure”, (since) arrested Sameer Khan, a relative of the honor, in a drug case. had gone. “.

Wankhede said, “The publication of my personal documents is defamatory in nature and an unnecessary invasion of my family privacy. It is aimed at defaming me, my family, my father and my late mother.” He said that his father is a Hindu, his mother was a Muslim and that he comes from a “holistic multi-religious and secular family”.

Mr Malik stood by his charges, accusing the officer of using “tampered documents” and “false caste certificates with which he got the IRS job”.

“A person is using forged documents to obtain SC certificate and avail benefits,” Malik said. “He took the name of Dawood. Married a Muslim woman, he had two children. We have a nikahnama. If he is a Hindu, why was the nikahnama made? Why did he perform the nikah in a mosque? Surely they were Muslims. He tampered with documents to get benefits in the name of SC as his father was SC.”

Earlier today, Kranti Redkar Wankhede, wife of Sameer Wankhede, took to the allegation by tweeting a picture from their wedding.

“Me and my husband Sameer R born Hindu. We never converted to any other religion. V respects all religions. Sameer’s father also married my Muslim mother-in-law who is no more. Sameer’s prior marriage took place under the Special Marriage Act, got divorced in 2016. Ours in the Hindu Marriage Act 2017,” her post read.


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