AP EAMCET topper also scored 100 percentile in JEE Main, now aiming to get seat in IIT Bombay

Boya Haren Satwik has taken admission in both National Level and State Level Engineering Admission – JEE MainAnd AP EAMCET, Not only this, he has also attempted BITSAT, KCET and COMDEC. There are two reasons behind this – one is his love for maths and second he wants to try more external exams to overcome his fear of finals and which he considers to be the most important exam – JEE Advanced,

Aiming to secure a seat in IIT Bombay’s prestigious Computer Science Engineering course, the teenager has been preparing for JEE Advanced for two years now and taking high-pressure exams in real life helps her score better, Topper claims that.

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In a conversation with News18.com, the 17-year-old is trying to make these exams more resourceful by the time he attempts IIT entrance – JEE Advanced. The topper said that these exams helped him “overcome the fear of exams” and helped him “detect and rectify his mistakes”.

Satwik not only scored a perfect 100 percentile in JEE Main 2022 session 1 but also scored 158.62 out of 160 in AP EAMCET and is currently attempting session 2 of engineering entrance. He is a native of Hindupur in Sri Sathya Sai district of Andhra Pradesh.

“I wanted to do more external exam practice to overcome exam fear. If I practice more, I am less likely to repeat mistakes. These tests will help me to get into the exam mode and I will not panic in the final exam which is JEE Advanced. IIT-admission has always been my main goal,” explained Satwik.

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in Mathematics and Physics, he secured 100 percentile in AP EAMCET 2022 The result of which was released today, He lost some marks in Chemistry and got 158.62/160. However, the youth have no plans to take admission in the state colleges which are available after AP EAMCET. His focus has always been JEE Advanced. Satwik claims that while he was preparing for Advanced during all this, for JEE Main and AP EAMCET he mentioned topics that were not covered under JEE Advanced in the last few days of the exam.

“I have not paid much attention to JEE Main or AP EAMCET. Since the main focus has been on JEE Advanced, I devoted more time to prepare for that exam. There is not much difference between JEE Advanced, JEE Main and AP EAMCET syllabus. Syllabus mostly overlaps. Different parts in JEE Main and AP EAMCET which I started studying only a few days before the exam,” he told News18.com.

How are state and national admissions different?

“In AP EAMCET, there is more emphasis on Mathematics section, but in JEE Main and Advanced, there is equal focus on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the question paper. I did not specifically focus on AP EAMCET. It has 80 questions from Mathematics, and 40 questions each in Physics and Chemistry, unlike JEE. Maths is my favorite subject, so I sat for the exam. Also, it will be a good exam exercise,” he said.

Satwik completed his class 10th from Narayana School, Vijayawada and his class 12th or PUC II CBSEAffiliated to Narayana Olympiad School, Bangalore. He scored in 95.6 percent class 12 board exam, He is preparing for JEE Advanced as well as 12th exam. While his father is a physical education teacher at MGM High School in Hindupur, his mother is an assistant teacher of biology in the same school.

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