Apart from the corona virus, the vaccine of Kovid-19 also fought against these diseases

At present, the number of cases of Kovid-19 is increasing rapidly in India. And with that comes the danger posed by Omicron variants. Notably, however, new patients reported mild symptoms, and therefore recovered relatively quickly. Symptoms such as cold, cough, cold, runny nose, headache and body aches have been reported in most people infected with Kovid-19.

The same symptoms have been reported in people during the common or seasonal cold in the past. And now experts say that many people, who have had colds and flu in the past, are doing better this time thanks to the COVID-19 vaccination.

Professor Sunit Kumar Singh, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology Unit, Banaras Hindu University, told News18 that when we talk about common cough, cold or flu-like symptoms, influenza is not the virus responsible for the flu virus itself. Dr Sunit said that two types of alpha coronavirus NL-63, 229-e and beta coronavirus two species OC-43 (OC-43) and HKU-1 have been infecting the population for a long time.

Vaccination reduced the common cold:

Dr Sunit said that most importantly, for people who have been vaccinated or infected with the virus, antibodies cross-react with normal antibodies and help inhibit the virus responsible for cold symptoms. Huh.

Dr Sunit further said that the Omicron variant is spreading faster than the alpha coronavirus. In this case too, people are experiencing symptoms similar to the common cold caused by the influenza flu. But these can also be symptoms of Omicron variants. And therefore, it is very important to get the RTPCR test done. If the test results are positive, then one should take the prescribed measures.

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