Apas: don’t wear r wear r wear r wear r wear r wear rasaumaun of kasaurama t in dilthali metthuro

Dilth-kiro mein kasaumaut kana’s rules, rules, no rules, ray ho ho

New Delhi:

Prospective data could be like probabilistic data to be included in the meeting amid the disaster in Delhi-NCR. . An elderly DMRC official has continued the update in terms of security.

this also further

HIV testing reduced by 22 percent in treatment of COVID-19, 11 percent solution

The middle of all these are suitable for testing. As long as it can be calculated. It is apt to be true. Health is also prescribed to keep it balanced.

A CISF jawan on duty at the Kashmere Gate metro station admitted that many passengers enter the station premises without wearing masks. The jawan said that those who say that they forgot to wear masks, we suggest them to buy masks that are being sold for only five rupees outside the main entrance of the metro. Alas, only someone is someone, is someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, give

Coronavirus Updates: More than 20 cases of corona in India in 24 hours, 47 people lost their lives

New Delhi, 601 new cases of corona infection have been reported on Friday. A person’s ID leads to the death of a person. So far, 19,43,026 cases of infection and 26,289 have died in the capital. The report said that 16,499 were investigated. , It was said in the database that there are 2,010 Covid patients in the database.

(news said)