Apex Legends Mobile: Apex Legends Mobile’s latest update adds new content, characters – Times of India

EA launched Apex Legends Mobile Available for both the game in May and now Android and iOS users. The developers are already gearing up to release the game’s first mid-season update. EA has updated its blog post to announce that their new update will add a new legend and new content to the game. In addition, Apex Legends Mobile will get the latest Battle Pass with new rewards and a special game feature that will freeze its surroundings. According to the blog, the new update will also introduce frozen loot boxes with a special currency that can be used for various items. seasonal shop, Apart from these, the update will also fix some bugs and also address player complaints regarding the game’s matchmaking algorithm.
Apex Legends Mobile Cold Snap Update
EA has released a new trailer on its official YouTube account that features a new character for Apex Legends Mobile. Loba There is an existing character in the PC/console versions of the game. Players can either unlock Loba by reaching Battle Pass level 25 or purchase a new character directly. However, the character will be available from June 16 (Thursday).

Apex Legends Mobile: Cold Snap Gameplay Trailer

The trailer also reveals a winter theme where large structures are dumping snow on the ground and regular loot boxes have been turned into frosted loot boxes where players can find diamonds as currency. These currencies can be used to buy rare items in the seasonal shop.
EA has also discussed how the company plans to improve by acknowledging players’ concerns. However, the company has not given details on how it will resolve all these issues. Developers have addressed issues that include player related – rank system, restrictions in common matches, matchmaking optimization and performance optimization for devices and servers.
Read also: A guide to guns “worth a try” in Apex Legends Mobile. Click Here to read more.